Randi Berger's Recycled Pets Rescue

Randi Berger

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Randi Berger is available to speak on radio or appear in person. To book her, email Rsb2018@sbcglobal.net. (Due to time restraints, we only check emails once a week so we ask for
your patience.) Please include your name, publication, and mailing address with your request.

Appearances and Media
The following are some past awards, radio and television shows as well as articles spotlighting Randi Berger or Recycled Pets.

Animal Radio Network with Hal Abrams
Conscious Talk Radio Network, Regionally Syndicated Inc. • Seattle, WA
EARTH 101 with Hollywood Hamilton
Health Radio Network • National - 34 Stations
Healthy Advice with Dr. Gene Steiner – KRLA
Iowa Public Radio KSUI-FM and WSUI-AM
Issues Today Radio Network
KAHI • Sacramento, CA
KBRM-FM • Minneapolis, MN
KCBR-AM • Colorado Springs, CO
KCTE-AM • Kansas City, MO
KKNW-AM • Seattle, WA
KWIN-FM • Stockton, CA
LATalkradio.com, Channel 1, Navigation
Mario Solis Marich Show, Regionally Syndicated Inc. • Austin, TX
Pet Pointers with Dr. Greg McDonald
Sirius Satellite Radio, Ch. 102 and Ch. 114
Talk Star Radio Network • National - 52 Stations
USA Radio Network • National - 1400 Stations
WACK AM 1420 • Rochester, NY
WBIX-AM • Boston, MA
WBT-AM • Charlotte, NC
WCCC-FM 106.9 • Hartford, CT
WDRC-AM • Hartford, CT
WFLF-AM • Orlando, FL
WHJJ-AM 920 • Providence, RI
WKZO-AM • Grand Rapids, MI
WLTE-FM • Minneapolis, MN
WMEL-AM • Melbourne, FL (920wmel.com)
WNAV • Baltimore, MD
WNTN-AM • Boston, MA
WOCA-AM • Gainesville, FL
WOGL-FM • Philadelphia, PA
WOR-AM • New York City (wor710.com)
WZKL-FM • Akron, OH
WZTK-FM • Greensboro, NC
XM Satellite Radio Nationally Syndicated (broadmindedonline.com)

Channel 5 News with Gayle Anderson
Heard It Through The Grapevine with Ann Fagan
In 2 Pets with Audri Ferguson
Prime Time Pets
Tacky House on the Style Network
The Patte Barham Show

American Mixed Breed Obedience Registry
Bellingham Herald (Book Events page of their Lifestyle section)
Canyon News
Echo Germanica Magazine • Toronto, ON
Encino Envoy
Los Angeles Times
Lucky Dog
Mutt Matchers
National Examiner
Nikken Family Magazine
Sunday Journal • Albuquerque, NM
SUN Magazine
The Animal Press
The Animal World
The Desert Sun
The Leaf-Chronicle (Pet People section) • Clarksville, TN
The Light Connection
The Pet Press
The Tolucan Times
The Valley Social
Ventura County Animal Regulation Humanitarian Award
Writer’s Digest

The following are some past booksignings and speaking engagements by Randi Berger.
B. Dalton
Barnes and Noble • The Commons, Calabasas, CA and Pico and Westwood
Bookstar • Studio City, CA
Borders Book • Sherman Oaks
Camano Island Library • Camano Island, WA
Celebrity Books
Dia de los Muertos Festival
Flintridge Bookstore & Coffeehouse • La Cañada, CA
Groom & Kennel Expo • Pasadena Convention Center
Los Angeles School Police Dog Expo Fundraiser
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books
Pacific Northwest Bookseller's Association Signing
Pasadena Humane Society Wiggle-Waggle Walk, Run and Ride for the Animals
Pets Naturally
Portrait of a Bookstore
Purina Pro Plan Rally to Rescue
Sherman Oaks Street Fair
Taste of Encino
The World Ministry of Prayer, Foothill Enrichment Center
Village Books • Bellingham, WA
West Hollywood Book Fair

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