Randi Berger's Recycled Pets Rescue

Randi Berger

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Honoring Recycled Pets Rescue with your Donation

Click the Make a Donation button in the left-hand sidebar to go straight to PayPal and make your donation. Click here for our Donation Schedule which also contains a Make a Donation button.

With a minimum donation of $100, you can receive a signed copy of My Recycled Pets: Diary of a Dog Addict. Just be sure to email us with your inscription information.

Although there are many worthwhile, non-profit charities to select from when considering donating, we would like to share with you the uniqueness of what Recycled Pets has done since 1987.

Our founder, Randi Berger, was at the forefront of what has now become the animal rescue craze in Southern California. Recycled Pets led the way and set the standards for the many rescues that would follow in its footsteps, being created by some of our past volunteers. Recycled Pets has gained the reputation of being very discriminating and discerning with each step of the rescue process, always maintaining the highest standards of care.

In 1987, public, high-kill animal shelters were like ghost towns, resulting in over 75% of its pets being destroyed. Randi Berger began saving up to 200 dogs a year from these shelters and then doing everything necessary to bring them to an adoptable state. Spaying and neutering were not mandatory at that time, as it is now, so, after bringing each pet back to health (which often required treatment for kennel cough, worming, always a grooming and other miscellaneous veterinary treatments), each rescue was then spayed or neutered. Fostering each pet cage-free in a private home was and still is a crucial part of the process in discovering what the best scenario would be for every adoption. Randi, our founder, has always believed that animals are equal to, if not superior to, the human race. Just as humans would not want to be tied up or caged, nor should domesticated animals. Randi also gave birth to a new concept in her area that has now become mainstream – open house dog adoptions held at well-trafficked locations. This was a foreign concept at that time, so Randi and her volunteers would often have crowds of people awaiting them and their rescued dogs on adoption days. Recycled Pets soon invited other individual rescues to join them on adoption days so that more dogs and cats could be saved.

Randi often sought out the severely abused dogs. As she states, “More time and patience is required to bring an abused dog to an adoptable state, but the rewards are priceless, as well as the loyalty that comes from an abused dog who finally feels safe enough to trust. There is no feeling on Earth as great as that which comes from an abused dog, who lifts up his head, looks into your eyes, and wags its tail for the first time.”

As many of Recycled Pets’ volunteers began following in its footsteps, rescuing from shelters and starting their own charities, Randi shifted the focus of her rescue and began dealing directly with owners needing to place their pets. Through her detailed screening process, Randi and her volunteers were often able to help owners work through issues with their pets, resulting in the owners keeping them.

Today Recycled Pets’ focus has again shifted. Our mission is now to expand the concept of rescue so that it becomes the primary means by which people acquire their four-legged family members. Through Randi’s writing and speaking, she hopes to inspire other people to rescue their pets and find it in their hearts to embrace the homeless, less adoptable seniors. They deserve to live their last years being pampered and honored.

We also invite you to contact us if you would like to make arrangements to have your pet join us, should you become unable to care for him or her in the future.

In closing, we feel it is important to share that since 1987, Recycled Pets has thrived through the efforts of all unpaid, loyal volunteers. This work has given each one of us a sense of purpose and fulfillment that far exceeds any dollar amount. We hope you find Recycled Pets your worthy cause to honor with your donations. Please contact us with any questions.

Recycled Pets Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit charity. A portion of your contributions are tax deductible and may qualify for corporate matching funds.

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