Randi Berger's Recycled Pets Rescue

Randi Berger

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Questions & Answers

1) I found a stray dog and need to know how to re-unite it with its owner/find it a new home.

Legally a stray dog is supposed to be turned into the public shelter nearest where it was found. There are laws that protect both owner and dog. We receive many inquiries from people who do not want turn a stray dog that they've found into the shelter. There is a risk of any dog being euthanized that is turned into a public shelter.

A found dog report can be filed at any public animal shelter. Found dog posters (with a minimal description) can be displayed in the area where the dog was found. Also, we suggest putting a found dog ad in your local paper, again with a minimal description, i.e. the size and color only. If anyone phones saying they lost a dog, make the person give a very detailed description of the dog and, if you think it is a match, they must show proof of ownership, i.e. vet records and/or license from an animal shelter.

There are people called "bunchers" who take free and found dogs and sell them to medical research labs for hundreds of dollars, which is the going rate. If you decide to find a dog a home, we suggest working with a legitimate rescue that has been in existence for longer than five years. If you place a dog on your own, please have it fixed first and never give it away for free. "Free to good home ads" attracts those who may sell to medical research labs and those who may not be committed financially or for the life span of the dog. In addition, have the new parents sign a contract with you that they will contact you should they ever need to give up the dog. This will hopefully prevent the dog from getting bounced around from home to home and ending up in a public shelter where it could be euthanized.

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2) I’d like to adopt a dog from the rescue. What steps do I need to go through to be approved to adopt?

Because all of our dogs are coming from private homes, either owners giving up their dogs or one of our foster homes, we know our dogs very well. Each of our dogs has very specific requirements. We ask that an adoption application (learn more on Adoptions page under About RPR) be filled out before phoning Recycled Pets. We will be very discerning in making a match that is ideal for both you and each dog we place. Often times we receive an excellent application, but it may not be appropriate for the dog the person has inquired about. Occasionally, we will have many people interested in the same dog and we will pick the best home for that particular dog. We will often direct potential adopters to other rescues or animal shelters.

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3) How do I make arrangements in my will for my dog to be cared for should I depart before him or her?

Recycled Pets has private foster homes available for arrangements to be made for situations such as this on a pre-screened basis. Please contact us to discuss the details.

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4) I’d like to name Recycled Pets Rescue as a beneficiary in my will. How do I do this?

Please contact your attorney, or email us at rsb2018@sbcglobal.net for further information:

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5) I want to start up a pet rescue charity. What's the best advice you can give me to ensure I'm successful?

We suggest that you first volunteer for at least several months with a reputable pet rescue charity. Many of Recycled Pets' past volunteers have gone on to start their own very successful rescues. It is imperative that you know all of what running a rescue entails legally, financially, and with time commitments.

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6) Is Randi Berger an expert on dog-related health issues?

Randi has personally homed thousands of dogs of all ages, requiring her to learn many grooming and veterinary techniques. She also became skilled at detecting illnesses from selecting the thousands of dogs with no health history or background that she rescued from animal shelters. But, Randi is not a vet and would always recommend you seeing your own vet if you have concerns about a health issue with your pet.

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7) Can Randi Berger give me advice on how to train my dog?

Randi trained dogs (and some cats) privately and in groups for behavioral, obedience and movie work as far back as the late 1980s. Due to time constraints, she now has chosen to refer out to other trainers. On a very selective basis however, she may be available for private consultations with extreme special needs dogs who have severe behavioral issues.

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8) I am going to bring my dog to a local animal shelter, as I no longer have the time and/or financial resources to take care of him/her. This is the best thing for my dog, right?

A dog turned into a public shelter always runs the risk of being destroyed. The dogs turned in by their owners will be the first on the list to be destroyed. They are considered abandoned and unwanted and there is no waiting period to search for an owner as there is with the strays. Many people may think that their dog will be adopted, but more than half of the dogs at public shelters are destroyed. That includes puppies and purebreds. Please be patient and search for a private rescue to assist you in placing your beloved companion.

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9) I’d like to volunteer to help out. How should I do so?

Recycled Pets has certain needs for volunteers. Contact the rescue directly and let us know what you are interested in doing.

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10) I’m looking for an inspirational book that supports a dog rescue charity? Do you have any recommendations?

The best for last!!!! My Recycled Pets: Diary of a Dog Addict is a passionate, autobiographical masterpiece about Randi Berger's journey from birth to rescuing thousands of dogs. She lets the world in on her secrets about how she overcame negativity through affirmations and how she learned to find the Divine Right Order in every experience. The "bizarre" coincidences she shares throughout her book will give any reader the belief that some higher power is watching over our world. A portion of the proceeds from My Recycled Pets: Diary of a Dog Addict goes to the non-profit charity!

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